The show is based on an 18 year old girl Liz Lee and her struggle to deal with life in her Texas Town. so it’s a reality show based on staged events on one person’s life. As of now it looks like there won’t be any season 2 for the show. Also Liz planning to leave the town and moving to New York was shown on the finale.However there are many other people who are saying that Liz will be back for another season as the series is extremely popular and also there is an online petition looking to get over 10,000 signatures to make sure the show comes back to the network later this year. So as of now what we can do is wait and watch till the next season arrives.
27 Desember 2010
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My Life As Liz Season 2: Liz Lee (Pictures)
The internet is abuzz over the question whether there will be any My Life as Liz Season 2? Last night there was a finale aired on MTV and was named “The End of the Beginning” which featured Liz, so there is a question in every mind whether this is a season finale or series finale?
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